Saturday, September 14, 2013

Jolie Stepp Photpgraphy: Fall Mini Session

Fall Mini Session is HERE!!

The time has come to book your mini session!
Call or email me today!  Only 4 more sessions available!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Photography at your Child's PARTY!!

Your Child's Birthday!
It's your child's special day!  Your running around like crazy, hanging streamers, setting up every little detail that you dreamed of while perusing Pintrest!  The cake, the favors, the adorable outfit you paid more than you care to admit!  The guest arrive and the party begins!
 Before you know it the last guest is saying good bye and your adorable angel is covered in frosting and looks near exhaustion.  At that moment you realize YOU FORGOT TO A SINGLE PICTURE!!!
Has this happened to you?  Don't feel bad!  So many parents experience this, I sadly admit I have done this as well.  According to my photo albums my sons third birthday didn't happen....oops! 
Hiring someone to capture your child's birthday is a fantastic way to ensure quality photographs and alleviate the stress of getting it done yourself! 
This was an extremely fun and adorable birthday party to photograph!  I look forward to photographing his next birthday too!!  Watching all these kiddos grow up is such a rewarding part of my job!!  So blessed!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Preparing for YOUR shoot!

As a photographer you really never know exactly what you are walking into despite your best planning.  Neon shoes, screen print t shirts, shorty short skirts, the list goes on!  I was pleasantly surprised this weekend as the most adorable family stepped out of their truck. 
I started thinking about what more I can do to help my clients help my clients achieve this finished look.  So here it goes, my two cents on wardrobe 101!!

First decide on what look you are trying to achieve.  Consider the purpose and the location as well.  These are all things your photographer should be helping you decide on as you plan YOUR shoot!  Some people choose to have a very cohesive look while others try to not look overly coordinated.  Whatever you decide consider having a test run by taking a picture of your family dressed with your phone.  This way you can see if there will be anything that pops out and distracts from the picture!

Monday, July 22, 2013

So Here it Goes!!

A year ago I never would have imagined my dreams could be a reality!  I sit here today a loving mother, loyal wife, and at last a photographer!  I couldn't be happier!!  I met my inspiration ( and first model) 4 years ago when the doctor handed me what would soon change my life FOREVER!  I began photographing my son because I wanted to remember these moments and now today I have the honor of capturing these precious moments for other families as well!

Stay tuned as I share tips for great shoots including the do's and dont's on dressing the family, and the best locations for your event!  Many post to follow!! Be watching for a super special Fall Session GIVE AWAY!!